
life update: 24 weeks & gender reveal!

Friday, May 16, 2014

How far along: 24 weeks (size of a corn on the cob)
Gender: baby girl! I'm so excited to give my little j a sister to play with. I imagine tea parties and glitter everyday :)
Weight gain: about 12-15 pounds
Maternity clothes: not really, just dresses as shirts and lots of leggings! did buy some white capri pants from liz lange maternity at target and they're versatile enough to wear everyday...not that I do that...ha
Stretch marks: from previous pregnancy.
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: still pretty normal though I feel the belly more. lately I've been a really good sleeper. I fall asleep in seconds and don't wake up for anything lol
Best moment of the week: actually seeing the kicks coming from inside my belly! baby girl is getting strong! what a blessing.  
Movement: lots of flutters through out the day. I love it! it's like our own little secret that just my baby and me share. she sends me butterflies in my belly everyday to say hello.
Cravings: still mainly sweets thought it toned down. eating lots of fruits and banana bread. but I love those things any time of the year :)
Looking forward to: every change this new baby will be bringing into our lives. we'll be moving soon into a place with more space in a few months, getting her nursery ready, and mostly seeing my two babies interact with each other :)
Nervous about: nursing. a baby and a toddler that desires more and more attention? that'll be a toughie. also, too much weight gain. last time I gained 50 (!) pounds. as with most women it got harder and harder to be active and my eating was out of control. I was constantly hungry and could out eat a 240 pound man (that would be my husband) easily. I'm already starting to feel no energy for activities other than housework so that makes me nervous.

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